Undergraduate Research Symposium: Open Now!
The Spring 2024 Undergraduate Research Symposium is now open for applications! The event will be on Friday, May 10 from 5-7:30 PM. This is your chance to showcase your research achievements to all community members. All DURF projects, capstone projects, research projects from courses, Dean’s Service Scholars (DSS), Study Away programs, and other research done under faculty guidance at NYU Shanghai are welcome! Participate in the event, interact with the faculty judges in your discipline, and explore your research interests and learning motivation! Contact shanghai.academicassociates@nyu.edu with any questions.
Academic Peer Advisor (APA): Application Now Open! Application Deadline: March 22, 11:59 PM | APA Job Description | Apply Now!
The application for 2024-2025 Academic Peer Advisors (APAs) is now open! Apply and join the APA team to gain insights on advising procedures, connect with peers, participate in peer mentorship opportunities, facilitate academic events, and receive training from different offices! Questions? Contact shanghai.peeradvising@nyu.edu.
NYUAD Undergrad Research & Arts Apprenticeship Awards
NYU Abu Dhabi invites NYU students to apply for the Undergraduate Research Assistantships or Arts Apprenticeships for Fall 2024. The positions span a number of disciplines within the Arts and Humanities, Engineering, Science, and Social Sciences. The deadline to apply is March 15.
Spring 2024 Major Exploration Pre-survey
The Academic Advising Office will host Spring Major Exploration Panels in the week of March 18. You are invited to fill out the Spring 2024 Major Exploration Pre-survey by March 1 so that can collect your questions and suggestions for the mixed-major panel discussions in advance.
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Academic Resource Center Workshops
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Speaking and Listening Skills Workshop: Seminar Skills Additional Practice
Monday, February 26 | 5:15-6:15 PM | S303 | RSVP
Participating in seminars requires many skills! Come to this workshop to continue practicing how to participate, with special focus on incorporating evidence into discussion and modeling engaging body language. Prior workshop attendance is not required. Particularly suitable for EAP 101 students and open to ALL students.
Academic Skills Coaching Workshop (Leadership) | Giving & Receiving Feedback
Monday, Feb 26, 6:30pm - 7pm | NB108 | RSVP
When working with others in a team, we will often need to discuss, share perspectives, and give constructive feedback to one another on different tasks. How can we do so? In this workshop, you'll learn strategies for giving constructive feedback and supporting your teammates, across various types of group projects, both in and outside of the classroom. See you at our workshop!
Academic Skills Coaching Workshop (Personal Skills) | Beating Procrastination
Tuesday, Feb 27, 6-6:30pm | NB108 | RSVP
How can we deal with procrastination? In this session, we'll discuss strategies to make sustainable commitments and schedules in our courses and personal lives, and how to work effectively on things we care about. See you in our workshop.
Academic Skills Coaching Workshop (Communication Skills) | Sustaining Relationships
Wednesday, Feb 28, 6pm - 7pm | NB108 | RSVP
(Note: this is a re-run of a previous workshop led on Feb 22)
In this session, we will consider strategies regarding sustaining relationships with various faculty members, and how to receive mentorship and guidance from them. See you!
Academic Skills Coaching Workshop (Communication) | Managing Challenging Conversations
Thursday, Feb 29, 6-630pm | NB108 | RSVP In the course of our studies, we may need to have conversations with our professors that may feel challenging for us. Whether it's seeking out support or other big asks, join us as we consider how we might do so in a respectful and clear manner. See you at this session!
Reminder: Summer 2024 Course Registration
Summer Session I: May 21 - June 28 | Summer Session II: July 1 - August 9
The registration for Summer 2024 classes is open. Contact your Academic Advisor to clear your hold for registration before enrolling in classes.
Two 6-week summer sessions are offered and you can take up to 8 credits per session. Check out detailed course information here or on Albert.
Questions? Email shanghai.summer@nyu.edu.
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Charting Your Path: Global Awards Leadership Program
Application Deadline: Friday, March 15, 2024 | Application Link
Looking to pursue advanced research, service or leadership goals? Charting Your Path is a one-day course designed to help highly motivated sophomores prepare for potential future fellowship applications and gain clarity in charting their next two years at NYU Shanghai. See detailed information.
2024 I AM LIMITLESS Conference - Schwarzman Scholars Info SessionMonday, March 4, 2024, | 10 AM - 11 AM CST | RSVP
Dive into the prestigious Schwarzman Scholars program at our info session and meet admission staff and alumni from Tsinghua University! Discover why the Schwarzman Scholars Program is your next big step. Gain insights into the admissions process, application advice, and the impact of this one-year master’s in global affairs at Tsinghua University. More information.
Application Deadline: May 20, 2024 – 23:59, CST.
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Library Workshops
Gathering Library Resources for Your Thesis WritingMonday, February 26, 6:00 PM-7:15 PM | W507, Active Learning Classroom | RSVP
Chinese Language Materials on China Studies
Wednesday, February 28, 3:45 PM-4:45 PM | W507, Active Learning Classroom | RSVP
World Languages EventsJapanese Conversation Night
Monday, February 26 | 5:00-6:00 PM | W629, World Languages lounge | RSVP here
All Japanese speakers and anyone who wants to learn are invited to join! Free snacks will be provided.
Chinese Conversation Night, Elementary to Intermediate LevelTuesday, February 27| 5:00-6:00 PM | W629 | RSVP here
All Chinese-speaking students, staff and faculty in elementary and intermediate level are invited to join!
French Apéro HourWednesday, February 28 | 5:00-6:00 PM | W629, World Languages lounge | RSVP here
All French speakers and anyone who wants to learn are invited to join!
Korean Conversation NightThursday, February 29 | 5:00-6:00 PM | W629, World Languages lounge | RSVP here
All Korean speakers and anyone who wants to learn are invited to join!
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GPS Film Series: LeviathanFriday, March 1 | 6:30 PM | N017 | RSVP here
Левиафан (Leviathan) is the gripping story of an ordinary man wrestling with corruption and repression by local authorities. Directed in 2014 by Andrey Zvyagintsev, it is a reflection on the relationship between individuals and the monstrous Hobbesian Leviathan.
Optional post-screening discussion to follow the film.
*in Russian with English subtitles*
Building a Science Fictional WorldMonday, March 4 | 6:30 - 8PM | Room E304 | RSVP here
This event will present an accessible method for developing an imaginary world and the stories that might be written there. With guidance from novelist Kyle Muntz, of NYU Shanghai's Writing department, students will collaborate on a shared world that stretches the boundaries of imagination while shaping their creativity as writers.
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The Users of Dunhuang ManuscriptsGCS Mini-Lecture Series by Prof. Imre GalambosFriday, March 1| Monday, March 4 | Friday, March 8 | Monday, March 11 | 12:00-1:00 | E403
RSVP here
Who were the users of the tens of thousands of ancient manuscripts sealed more than 1000 years ago? How did they use these documents in their daily life? Prof. Imre Galambos, a leading scholar in the field, will guide us in revealing the life, death, and belief in the small oasis town along the Silk Road.
École du soirDates: March 7- June 1 |Galleries
Convened by artist Christian Nyampeta, École du soir (The Evening School) is a platform for "thinking Africa" through film, music, experimental translation, workshops, and publications. École du soir offers space for individual and shared study of an urgent question that is further planetary in scope: how do we live together?
A Song About Love: Opening of École du soir Date: Thursday, March 7, 7PM (4PM reception) |Galleries
To celebrate the exhibition opening of École du soir, the African Film Institute presents the Shanghai premiere of A Song About Love, a screening program of music videos, ranging from pioneering works in the genre as it related to African lifeworlds and traversing through its contemporary forms.
No registration required.
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